Desert Strike Night II 1.4
Desert Strike Night II Version 1.4 is an updated version of Desert Strike Night Final. This map version was made from scratch to bring in new drastic changes and new ultimate challenges.
The ...
Desert Strike Night II Version 1.4 is an updated version of Desert Strike Night Final. This map version was made from scratch to bring in new drastic changes and new ultimate challenges.
The objective of the game is to destroy your opponents Night Fortress. There are 2 teams, each consisting 3 human players and 1 computer player. The human players are responsible for training units while the computers uses those units to destroy their opponents forces.
Resources - Players are automatically given a set amount of resources (initially 8 mins per sec) for training the military units. As the game develops, players have the option to increase their income by building Gas buildings (assimilator, refinery, extractor depending what race). There are 10 geysers in each player's base (was 6). As the player builds more and more Gas buildings, the game gives extra build space, allows the building of uber heroes, and spell casters (see under Spells). There is a catch, these buildings are really expensive. These buildings also stops the flow of minerals for a few seconds. So, players must safely time when to increase their mineral flow and to receive the other benefits.
Defense - The battlefield is a modest rectangluar shape terrain with the Fortresses, FortressDefense and a Silo in each side. Each forces created by the human players are transported to the rear of their respected Fortress. They are then ordered to move and attack towards their enemy side illustrating a tug of war. The FortressDefense and Silo are obstructions that help stop the flow of invaders but also at the same time generates pressure. The FortressDefense is a high armored building with invincible cannons so it must take a beating to get destroyed. The Silo, however, doesn't have any external weapon systems (or does it...mahaha)
Specials - Each match, all players are randomly selected to control 1 of 3 unique race - Zerg, Protoss and Terran. Each race has distinctive military arsenal which provides a variety of tactics for the players to deploy. As the game draws to an end, players will be able to access Super Weapons called: Specials, which dynamically changes the battlefield. These Specials are instantaneous, expensive and extremely effective.
Spells - Spells are the main focus of this new map version. Besides tactically building forces, players must use a wide range of spells to help achieve victory. There are 15 (yes fifteen) spells. From freezing your opponents income, to disabling vision, to manually controlling your computer forces, these new spells will test any pro DS player. In each match, only handful of those 15 spells are enabled to ensure lots and lots of different replay value.
The Queen-Gambit Game philosophy - As a map maker enthusiast, my job is [s]to modify map originals lol[/s] to turn my imaginative ideas into a reality. I try to give maps a Stimpack boost by injecting it with an intense dose of new gameplay and style which is immune to Clan WA.
Hell, its about time for you to play the map! If you have any comments, questions, suggestions, bug reports, msg me:, Queen-Gambit@USEast, or just put a comment here. Thank you
Next map: War of Fantasia
Change Log
- properly placed the xel'naga temple secret
- made the Devils awakening workable (no more computer crash)
- fixed popup concerning building 5 gas
- fixed Queen zero energy mistake
- made ...
- properly placed the xel'naga temple secret
- made the Devils awakening workable (no more computer crash)
- fixed popup concerning building 5 gas
- fixed Queen zero energy mistake
- made detectors act like robots so that invisibles have a fighting, powerful chance
- intro song compressed so file is smaller
- Silo now gives 1000 minerals
- Torrasque boom will kill all in field
- Some Spells are now Free
- Map Style:
- Custom (UMS)
- Categories:
- Assault Defense (Team) Strategy
- Author:
- Queen-Gambit 4
- Filename:
- Desert Strike Night II 1.4!.scx
- Project Page:
- Desert Strike Night II 1.6
- Type:
- StarCraft Map
- Size:
- 457.3 KB
- Overall Rating:
4 / 5 (3 votes, ranked #180) - Tags:
- clanwa, desert, fails, gambit, melee, multiplayer, night, queen, queen-gambit, strike, ums
- Players:
- 6
- Teams:
- 2
- Tileset:
- Twilight
- Dimensions:
- 128x128
- Favorites:
- 1
- Downloads (Total):
- 280
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- Queen-Gambit 4
- Discovered On:
- July 15, 2010
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Desert Strike Night II 1.4
Desert Strike Night II 1.4!.scx (457.3 KB)
- Released:
- July 15, 2010
- Downloads:
- 280
- Direct Link:

- Opinion:
3 votes considered -
- Good
- Terrain:
- Units:
- Sound:
- Replay Value:
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I am thinking of creating this DS version (the one with the 15 spells) on SC2. Any thoughts?
Wow, got some more bugs and I figured out the 1k mineral Exploit. It will need to be patched ASAP lol.
1. When playing Zerg you get 2 Queens from a Lair. There is no CAP on queens. So once you get like 2-3 lairs you will have to many Queens to spawn. The game will return 1000 minerals each time you spawn stating Only 1 Queen allowed on battlefield or something like that. Note: You can hatch Queens from Larve for 1k but I am not sure why. I have replay saved. All 3 Zerg in game, including me, was getting 1k per spawn.
2. Banelings are getting frozen in the middle not doing anything. Again this is in the replay.
3. Player 1 (Host or bottom left) has a problem when he reaches 6 gasses the rest of the geysers dissappear.
4. Not sure of player number but bottom right side player is bugged as well. He was full gas but the blockades did not do down so he didn't anymore room to build.
I dont know how to post replay. I will see if I can e-mail it to you.
Bah double post :(
no no no, continue with the comments! It helps me know what other people are thinking. You can be my Richard and i'll be Jacob. I'll write a thorough report soon (busy atm)
Okay last comment for now I promise. I love the random race feature but I think it can present an unbalance. In your other versions having more than one zerg was almost always a disadvantage. A few games my team was all zerg while Raiders were all 3. Maybe each side could have 1 of each but at random?
Sorry for all the spam Queen. I really like your maps and just wanted you to get some feedback. Overall you ROCK!
7. I don't know much about map editing so I don't know the difficulties you face with caster units but they are still acting retarded.
- I noticed Templars to be the most effective. Usually casing storm.
- Defliers are decent, main problem is that they are casting swarm too far ahead of our units. Does swarm work on enemy units as well? As in my deflier casts swarm all over enemies goons, are they now invulnrable to ranged attacks or does that only affect my (our) units.
- Science Vessels from what I noticed dont cast thier spells as much. Is there anyway to make that Matrix Defense Science Vessel Automatic? Didn't realize I had to manually use it till it was almost over.
- Dark Archons, about the same as your other versions. Would it be wise to not research maelstrom in order for them to MC more often?
- Queens, about the same.
8. Just remembered people saying thor tanks were OP. I only got to play Terran once so I don't have an opinion.
Sorry to keep adding stuff but I guess I'll be your feedback.
1. At least one person every game complaining about minerals being slow. Maybe adding a feature to double minerals again?
2. Not sure if this is bug or intended but one time late into a game an ally left and we did not recieve his boom civilian.
3. I don't agree with this but 2 people in seperate games were saying Marines over powered. I told them they are high mineral cost but they insisted.
4. This may be a bug but somebody was claiming the Queen was MCing. I didn't catch it though.
5. One time I built an armory (Terran) near gas. I then got the message for gas blah blah and minerals halted as if I laid down a gas extractor.
Oh and the Queen spawn thing was just a theory. Every game I ask the bugged player what is going on and they usually ignore me (cuz they want to win I guess) or say HAHAHAHAHAHA. lol One guy said something like everytime his spawn spawns it says something about a Queen refund and thats how he is getting the 1k.
Thanks for the reply. I played a few more games last night and both times someone on the Raiders (Top) was bugged. I will save replay next time. Not sure why I didn't thank about it. I guess I expected more people to encounter the bug.
1)Are the Arbitors supposed to have an exploding animation below them?
2)Are you playing 3v3 on the Queens side with specials disabled but def structures enabled (not sure if that matters). Thats the only way I've played with bug occuring 100% of games. Again I will save replay tonight.
Mothership has always had that insane regen, it would repeatedly change its health from 70 to 20 percent. The only change you can kill it is to manage to shoot it while it is at that 20 percent. It may be just a split second but it will eventually die.
1k mineral each time eh? that sounds very odd. Played a few games, nothing like that happening. I'd like to see a replay of that scenario. I checked the Queen spawn refunds but they seem to be giving the right amount of minerals. Again, i'd like to dl a replay.
Keep me posted
With the new spells/challenges it is hard to gauge the replayability of this map. Desert Strike Final had some imbalance issues (immortal being too immortal lol). Later, i'd like to see more comments regarding of unit balance/stats/price.
3. Sometimes lags as in you build two barracks and the marines don't show up till 1 or 2 spawns later.
Thats it so far but overall pretty fun. The first problem has to be address tho. I haven't won a game yet as queen because the guy getting 1k minerals is owning everyone.
Queen this map is bugged ( I think).
1. Every game ive played (5 total now) someone on Top (Raider Team) gets 1k Minerals each time his units spawn. Has always been zerg but not sure if that matters. It has somerhing to do with too many Queens which then returns the amount of the Queen to that player.
2. I've only seen Arbitor in 2 games and in both it had insane regen as well as somerhing exploding under it every 1-2 seconds.
another version lol
Hopefully I fixed everything gawd, I need a smoke