(2)Labyrinth 1.00.scm
Rank 431 out of 16,414 in StarCraft
This map is part of the (2)Labyrinth 1.00.scm project.
A newer version of this map, Labyrinth v1.01, is available.
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Don't worry, Labyrinth 2.0 is even more confusing than this one, and it should work.
Yeah, that's what I said. It's not possible to create buildings on this tileset.
Hmm, i think I've figured it out. It's the tileset most likely that is preventing the melee setting
Actually, I can fix this, I think it's the two doors there that made it UMS only. And if i convert the tileset and fine tune everything it'll turn out fine. The actual problem is how long it will take. probably around 12 hours of work will be required. I thought you could build on that tileset though, that's strange
EDIT:I cant fix this because of a few glitches with SCMdraft. I wil remake it with a different tileset...
Guyugkuyg, it's just how the doors that are actually there are perceived by the map preview generator.
EDIT: Just tried to playtest this map, the map is broken in some form. It says that it can only be played on Use Map Settings.
I believe, unfortunately, that your map is unplayable in every way. First, the problem stated above. Second, the impossibility to construct buildings on this tileset.
Sorry man, I know for a fact this cannot be fixed.
Actually they're Gateways :), I'll try to figure it out.
For some strange reason the map preview shows two nexi(or nexuses or something???). There are no Nexxi there.