I would like to thank my laptop for this one. I've played sc since it came out. I've always wanted to own a laptop, who hasn't. I also always wanted to make a big sc map, but for some reason did not ...
I would like to thank my laptop for this one. I've played sc since it came out. I've always wanted to own a laptop, who hasn't. I also always wanted to make a big sc map, but for some reason did not get to it until, well 10 years later when I bought a laptop from the pawn shop for $180. It was basically the same as the last computer I owned around 3 years before, and I had paid like $748 for it. This one was a laptop and $180. I took it around to all my favorite places outside, and to all my friend's places, and I used my surroundings for inspiration. I knew this was the right thing to do because I was making a map, and no map could have turned out like this from just sitting on a computer in one spot all the time. Whenever I felt like I hit the grind-stone really hard while building, I would pack-up my laptop and look for somewhere else to go, and then later on, I would find the perfect spot for inspiration and look at how well it turned out. Right after this map was done, which was about 2-3 days BEFORE sc2 came out, (haven't made any changes since and that's when I did-up '!!!ALL!!!' of the 'finishing touches', Tee hee hee) I sold my Laptop online for $180, and played Snowball Heaven over and over again on my step-bro's computer for the past 2 month's or so until feeling like I was getting torn up inside for being the only person alive for playing this map. I had to get it out.
So this map was the only thing to come out of my Laptop. It was all about making 'this one sc map' and finishing it. The older version's that I uploaded are when I was testing 8 player's with comp's (cuz I'm not back online yet I have to get a new cd key) and basically I figured were good enough to 'name' and call it done, but it kept asking for more until I finished up all the touch-up's and completed it, the final version called Snowball Heaven. I guess it was year's of not having made a big sc map, pent up, and having to wait year's before I could own a laptop and get out there and make a really truly awesome map for us sc players, that resulted in so many flukes.
The left side being the North and South American Continent's, UFO's, Hand holding lightning bolt, dude with a backwards hat, Alien head on the bottom in the minimap, a star, above the base in the bottom right on the minimap, camillion looking animal's, and just all around fun. When sc came out, and I got addicted, I knew I would always get to building my map eventually.
One thing about this map, it never seemed to get finished, so when it was it was a strange, yet awesome feeling, because it kept giving the hint of a feeling that it was finished sometimes, but eventually it really 'got full' or ate it all up, and then became untouchable. Then 2 day's later sc2 is released, and they do not even come out with the full game, just the Terran Campaign, and I think about my map and I'm like, well, Sc2 is a joke, Long Live Starcraft #ONE!! And out of all the map's to come out before sc2, mine is probably the best, closest to sc2's release date. ;D I wonder if they also knew about it and came out with sc2 early to distract people from it :)
If anybody were to ask me for my advice, I'd say, "Not too much, Not too Little!!!"
*By the way, the mineral's that are all 9013, that is partly to represent my birthday, 9-13 Sept. 13th. :D 1984*
**Kudos** ~Matthew Micheal Brooks
* * P.S. EvrEbudy's*!! OMG EVERLASTING TORRENT!! I upload it, then check it the next night & it was #1 out of 13,001 Now I believe it is still the #1 Melee map by Project Value to this day, hence seeing other new maps and old taking higher rank, they have all been UMS In Nature! .
- Map Style:
- Melee
- Categories:
- Assault
- Author:
- Filosephy 3
- Filename:
- Project Page:
- Snowball Heaven
- Type:
- StarCraft Map
- Size:
- 118.7 KB
- Tags:
- fun, multiplayer, singlevscomps
- Players:
- 8
- Tileset:
- Ice
- Dimensions:
- 256x128
- Favorites:
- 5
- Downloads (Total):
- 695
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- Filosephy 3
- Discovered On:
- April 10, 2013
Share Map
- JavaScript Widget:
Snow Land
(8)SNOWBALL HEAVEN.scx (118.7 KB)
- Released:
- April 10, 2013
- Downloads:
- 695
- Direct Link:

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HEREY HEREY!!! There is now a Facebook Web Page that will be dedicated to this Map by it's Maker. However there is also going to be one more dedication on this web page . . . The Most Absorbiant name known in the D2 Universe, by Blizzard North, Known for the most Epic of all Barbarian's, Kaotic-Kel's Own Wisper travelling from the strength of the Wind . . . MeChopLizard~!!~ . . . Oh Okay, and tiss it's his Poetry too . . . Duhh duhh duhh!!!!
very nice. well thot out
Right underneath the "Counter" is the actual link allowed to click for downloading Snowball Heaven :D
Thank-you all for your encouragement. Checkout Zen Master Land if you have the chance. :D
how do i download?
You know what I'm wondering . . . when are we going to make thing's better instead of worse for our people? Why our civilian entity is still feeling like is there’s a crisis on our hands, should not be happening! When are we going to concentrate on that promise that in 5 year's there would be no more bum's on all the streets? They’re even putting petifiles back on the street, and ‘letting’ them be petifiles as long as they snitch to police! So now getting the drug dealer is worth more to them then the sexual molesting of our children. WW2 is over, yet their focus, is not all on our own people. We’re getting ripped off on our over-time by companies who weren’t even issuing pay stub’s so they could do it, and you think that being distracted by suicidal maniac’s is a good enough excuse to not know about, publish about, or do anything about it? Where’s the focus gone from War? Why has it gone back to War, Money Scam’s creating problems and not to fixing ‘our’ problems?
Well Linear just mean's using lines. It's not exactly an insult. By the way there reason's that people use doodad's, and reason's that people use the word Spam. Odviously you would be right if I was myself trying to "spam doodad's" however, it just took a long time for inspiration to actually hit again to change the map in any sort've form or as, as if you read the discription, I used a laptop and only when in my total surroundings I felt good, would I work on the map.
So you can understand how I will never believe that slander that you put up on my forum. It was souly for the purpose of using extra space for doodads I did not consider before, considered. By the way each base represents a patter for mining mineral's that is different yet a tribute to over the years the different types of bases that people came up with making for mining that's style kind've stuck around working together colaborating, if you will, to make a map of an all-in-one style, or bringing together many styles is what I'm saying. As you can see one base has 50,000 minerals only 1 mineral right above it an none else around, making it like fastest map tributed to hell. As well as the far left where they just surround as well as the gas.
You really need to do up your reading. Linear bases? lol that simply means:
1.of, consisting of, or using lines: linear design.
2. pertaining to or represented by lines: linear dimensions.
3. extended or arranged in a line: a linear series.
So now I know your a jerk because you were trying to make it sound like an insult. Like what is that supposed to mean? Read the review dude and understand, starcraft has been around in circulation since 1996, and you're still thinkin' we do not pickup on the same vibe as you are? We all are dude, just pick and choose your words more carefully next time or keep them to yourself because it only reflects back in the mirror to yourself.
Hello. This is Filosephy. I'd just like to thank you all for your support once more, and also answer the question about the Psi Emiter, hence I read the review!
To answer your question, I felt like the map needed some 'movement' apart from all of the hussle and bussle of the game, that stuck out in a static, sort've, way.
~Thank-you very much for the review, it has brought joyfullness to my heart.
fun map! :D
Omg, on the in-game minimap there is at the very bottom center, it looks to be like a computer that I can make out, sitting ontop of one of those older towers that they used to make really wide, instead of tall and you'd put your monitor ontop of it. That is really neat :D -ty all for your support!
That makes sense.. anyhow, a great map!
I'm glad you asked, because it is a very good question. 'My Original idea was only to upload Snowball Heaven!' I figured some people might like the design so much, they'd try to improve on it to play more, and that's when the though struck me . . . if I upload the other version's which were meant to be final, it'll give people more option's, without having to touch the map.
The other two were the only other version's I had backed up, because they were meant to be final, but it just kept askin' for more!
MKM1 was like a ramp testing one to put more pressure on, and also result in a shorter game time. I wanted it to be 'Major Kill Majority 1' which meant Major Interlacing base karma! However I liked Snow Drift Mountain's because it was somewhere around the original idea for ramps that I had, without the experimenting of them like in MKM1, which let's just make it simple here . . . was just for the sake of ramping up every base lol.
Before I got so addicted to SBH, I did play a little MKM1, and then sorta shrugged it off, basically realized it wasn't as good without all of the finishing touches that I had applied to the real final version, Snowball Heaven, and I haven't looked back since. The SBH design just has me addicted and feeling like it's way more sensible, and has a more oldskewl flow feeling to it, instead of just everywhere connected. The idea was it's a big enough map to connect the bases in SBH's way, hence it's max width but 128 height, so you think you have a long way to go, but that 128 height really cut's down a lot of time, and makes it literally, like, perfect timing for the flow. Made more sense is what I'm sayin, but uploading the older version's just gives more background on what else was intended for the map.
Just out of curiosity, why did you post this map three times? Are they different versions?
*I hope you find comfort in this map, in all aspects, and the festivities of the Holiday's :D
well done with this map! Keep it up!
Congrats on #1 in popularity!
Something about this map seems, familiar...