WarHammer 40k Diplo 2.5
Imperial Guard
Space Marines
Dark Eldar
-Imperial Guard
Guardsman, Light Infantry (ghost, builds from zealot) - 35 minerals for 2
Chimera APC, Support Vehicle ...
Imperial Guard
Space Marines
Dark Eldar
-Imperial Guard
Guardsman, Light Infantry (ghost, builds from zealot) - 35 minerals for 2
Chimera APC, Support Vehicle (vulture, builds from dragoon) - 175 minerals
Sentinel, Shielded Vehicle (dragoon, builds from dark templar) - 220 minerals
Kommissar, Tactical Infantry (firebat, builds from templar) - 120 minerals, max 5
Leman Russ Battle Tank, Heavy Vehicle (tank, builds from reaver) - 400 minerals
Basilisk Artillery, Fixed Artillery Gun (siege mode tank, builds from shield battery) - 750 minerals
Lightning Fighter, Air Superiority (wraith, builds from scout) - 555 minerals
Firestorm Frigate, Heavy Air Support (battlecruiser, builds from carrier) - 1000 minerals
Imperial Battleship, Capital Ship (carrier, builds from arbiter tribunal) - 2550 minerals
Sworn Enemy: None
Placing spider mines with the Chimera APC will spawn two guardsmen, so each APC starts with 6 free guardsmen inside.
The Kommissar is a buff to all infantry in his range, guardsmen near him come invincible. However every turn one guardsman near the Kommissar is reduced to 10% hp. The range of the ability can be seen by selecting guardsmen, if they are flashing that means they are affected.
When the Battleship is constructed a special area will become available in the bottom right corner of the map with a Battleship-shaped graphic, containing a factory and two barracks. This represents the inside of the ship, when units constructed there are moved to the flag area they will deploy at the location of the Battleship.
(Imperial Guard playstyle)
Eldar Guardian, Light Infantry (ghost, builds from firebat) - 35 minerals
Aspect Warrior, Elite Infantry (zealot, builds from marine) - 60 minerals
Shield Generator, Tactical ability (psi emitter, builds from ghost) - 150 minerals, max 4
Fire Prism, Heavy Vehicle (reaver) - 400 minerals
Exarch Scorpion, Support Infantry (dark templar, builds from medic) - 115 minerals
Falcon Grav Tank, Hover Tank (scout) - 550 minerals
Wraithlord, Heavy Mech (dragoon, builds from shield gen) - 750 minerals
Warlock, Spellcaster (templar, builds from arbiter) - 950 minerals
Hemlock Wraithfighter, Air Superiority (valkyrie, builds from carrier) - 1000 minerals
Sworn Enemy: Dark Eldar
Guardian infantry has a cloaking ability available, the infantry will periodically have an energy charge for a total time of 7 seconds during which they can cloak, after this time the energy will go down to 0 for 5 seconds and they will automatically uncloak. After the 5 seconds the energy will come back again.
Shield generator can be built from the ghost unit, this is an area of effect buff to unit shields. Units near the shield generator will replenish their shields twice as fast. The probe holding the generator will also have bonus shields.
The Warlock has the regular hallucination and psi-storm spells available. Psi-storm does raw damage, ignoring shields and air armor, making it useful when fighting shielded enemies and lethal to air units and Ork wartraaks.
(Eldar playstyle)
Astartes, Infantry (marine, builds from hydralisk) - 50 minerals
Khorne Berzerker, Heavy Melee Infantry (broodling, builds from zergling) - 295 minerals for 2
Chaos Obliterator, Heavy Mech (archon, builds from queen) - 400 minerals
Aspiring Champion, Elite Infantry (ghost, builds from ultralisk) - 240 minerals
Hell Talon, Shielded Flier (mutalisk) - 515 minerals
Psyker, Spellcaster (defiler) - 750 minerals
Daemonic Beast, Assault Beast (ultralisk, builds from upgraded spire) - 950 minerals
Daemon, Air Superiority (devourer, builds from scourge) - 800 minerals
Herald of Chaos, Hero (scout, builds from arbiter tribunal) - 2550 minerals
Sworn Enemy: Space Marines
Chaos Marines lack the weapons range and extra health of their uncorrupted counterparts, but having the stim ability allows them a very high damage output.
The Hell Talon is a shielded air unit, taking 1 damage from any attack including anti-air. However they are unable to deal anti-air damage of their own.
The Psyker has plague available which functions as normal, the dark swarm spell however activates the Chaos Warp effect, which warps enemy infantry and one heavier unit to the center of the Chaos player's capital.
Herald of Chaos can be summoned by building an arbiter tribunal in a special area near the upgrade buildings on the bottom left. The Herald is an air unit with high hp, attack, and strong armor. However due to its bloodlust it will temporarily go berserk at the start of every turn, for 3 seconds. During this time the Herald is hostile to all players including the owner, it is also invincible and its attack power is double that of its base.
(Chaos playstyle)
Kroot Warrior, Melee Infantry (zergling, builds from zealot) - 35 minerals
Tau Fire Warrior, Gunner Support Infantry (hydralisk, builds from dragoon) - 175 minerals for 2
Vespid Stingwing, Airborne Infantry (wraith, builds from vulture) - 115 minerals
Crisis Battlesuit, Light Mech (high templar w/ attack, builds from templar OR goliath) - 295 minerals
Stealthsuit, Shielded Support Mech (dark templar) - 220 minerals
Hammerhead Gunship, Airborne Weapons Platform (battlecruiser, builds from siege tank) - 400 minerals
Hammerhead Ion Cannon, Mobile Artillery (reaver, builds from shield battery) - 750 minerals
XV88 Broadside Battlesuit, Heavy Mech/Artillery (archon, builds from stargate) - 750 minerals
Force Commander, Hero (corsair, spawns at capital) - 600 minerals, max 1
Sworn Enemy: Orks
Tau Force Commander will spawn in when the player has acquired at least 8 territories and has the necessary minerals. It does not deal any extra damage against air units, its main function is in the disruption web ability. This functions as normal except that ground units controlled by the player will become invincible while under the web. It is also used to activate Broadside Battlesuit Cannons.
Broadside Battlesuits will activate a special firing mode when aimed by a disruption web. This turns the unit into a stationary artillery (3 siege tanks) which are active for 40 seconds. Using the web subsequently will reset the timer. At the end of the timer the Broadside will resume its previous form at full health.
(Tau Playstyle)
-Space Marines
Astartes, Heavy Infantry (marine w/ range) - 60 minerals
Terminator, Heavy Infantry (firebat) - 70 minerals
Apothecary, Support Infantry (medic) - 115 minerals
Dreadnought, Heavy Mech (goliath, builds from reaver) - 400 minerals
Vanguard Captain, Tactical Infantry (dark templar, spawns at capital) - free, max 2
Combat Servitor, Support Infantry (ghost) - 150 minerals
Land Raider, Assault Vehicle (tank, builds from nuke silo) - 950 minerals
Space Marine Strike Cruiser, Fleet Carrier (carrier, builds from battlecruiser) - 1150 minerals
Sworn Enemy: Chaos
Space Marines have more health and weapon range compared to Chaos Marines, but they do not have the stim ability.
The first 3 territories Marines capture will spawn a free bunker.
Combat Servitor has access to the ghost abilities, however both cloaking and lockdown will take up most of their energy. They can also be used to launch nukes.
Vanguard Captains spawn in periodically after several turns. They are free but have a maximum of two. Fusing them will activate either their Recall or Orbital Deployment ability. Orbital Deployment activates if there are dropships at the Marine capital beacon. A maximum of 3 dropships will appear at the location of the Vanguard Captains and instantly unload. The Vanguard Captains will regain maximum health. Recall activates when there are no dropships at the capital. The Vanguard Captains will jump back to the capital and regain health.
Nuclear missiles can be activated by buying the valkyrie (2500 minerals) at the starport. Each valkyrie buys one nuke silo (max 3) where nukes can be armed for 500 minerals each. Nukes ignore shield and armor values.
(Space Marine playstyle)
Shoota Boys, Light Infantry (marine) - 30 minerals
Slugga Boys, Melee Infantry (zealot, builds from firebat) - 35 minerals
Ambush Mine, Tactical ability (drone, builds from medic) - 115 minerals, max 4
Flashgit, Demolitions (infested terran, builds from ghost) - 75 minerals
Wartraak, Shielded Light Vehicle (hydra, builds from vulture) - 115 minerals
Killa Kan, Heavy Mech (goliath) - 295 minerals
Squiggoth, Assault Beast (ultralisk, builds from nuke silo) - 950 minerals
Kill Kroozer, Heavy Air Support (battlecruiser, has yamato gun) - 1150 minerals
Ork Warboss, Hero (aldaris, builds from valkyrie) - 2500 minerals, only one per game
Waaagh! Banner, Spellcaster (defiler, spawns at capital) - free, max 1
Sworn Enemy: Tau
The Waaagh! Banner spawns at the beginning of the match and will respawn automatically with 0 energy if killed. Casting Dark Swarm will summon a host of ork infantry (8 Sluggas 8 Shootas) where the spell is cast. Costing 120 energy, this spell ensures that ork players will always have a supply of basic infantry.
Wartraaks are shielded vehicles, meaning they only take 1 point of damage per hit. Their shields and speed make them valuable support, screening the rest of the army from damage from powerful foes.
Ork Tunnels are activated by building a machine shop through a factory, which turns into a building with the name 'Ork Tunnels'. This unlocks an area at the bottom right corner representing the underground, with the creep area to the left being the exit of the first tunnel and the right being the exit of the second (you can only have 2). At the start of every turn (when the timer hits 1:20) any infantry, wartraaks or warboss standing near the tunnel will be transported to the center of the tunnel area. Units may leave the tunnels at any time via the tunnel exits.
The Ambush Mine ability works in conjunction with the Tunnels. The drone unit will turn into a mine when burrowed (not instantaneously), when the mine is set off 12 units from the ambush area in the tunnels will appear at the mine. These units are invincible for 3 seconds.
Ork Kill Kroozers come with the Yamato gun ability, this ability does raw damage ignoring armor and shield strength. As such it is very effective against heavily armored or shielded units, as well as air units.
The Ork Warboss is summoned by building a valkyrie at the starport, he is a unique hero and cannot be remade if he is killed. Heavily armed and armored, the Warboss can hold his own at front-line combat, however his true strength is in rallying Ork forces against their enemies. At the start of every turn (when timer hits 1:20) the Warboss spawns free units, the quantity varying depending if he is in combat. Out of combat, the Warboss will spawn 2 Shootas, 2 Sluggas and a Wartraak, if he is in combat and there are less than 8 enemies near him he will spawn 4 Shootas 3 Sluggas 2 Wartraaks and 1 Kan, and if there are more than 8 he will spawn 6 Shootas 6 Sluggas 3 Wartraaks and 2 Kans.
(Ork playstyle)
-Dark Eldar
Kabalite, Light Infantry (kerrigan ghost, builds from zealot) - 35 minerals
Hellion, Anti-Armor Infantry (zergling, builds from dragoon) - 175 minerals for 2
Dark Eldar Reaver, Light Vehicle (vulture) - 115 minerals
Dark Eldar Wych, Elite Heavy Infantry (infested kerrigan, builds from goliath) - 295 minerals
Talos Pain Engine, Heavy Vehicle (lurker, builds from siege tank) - 400 minerals
Dark Eldar Raider, Gunship (mutalisk, builds from shield battery) - 750 minerals
Dark Lance, Hover Artillery (guardian, morphs from mutalisk) - 100 minerals
Voidraven, Air Superiority Fighter (scout, builds from devourer, mutalisk morph) - 100 minerals
Void Field, Defensive & Field Support (arbiter w/ recall, builds from starport) - 750 minerals, max 1
Haemonculus, Spellcaster Hero (dark archon, spawns at capital) - free, one per game
Sworn Enemy: Eldar
The Wych has a periodic cloaking spell which resets energy at the start of every turn, as well as the ensnare ability.
When researched at the machine shop, the Reaver can drop mines.
Raiders can deploy into Dark Lance Artillery or Voidraven Fighters, when deploying they eject 3 Kabalite infantry and a Hellion.
Void Field can be made by building a starport, they have the recall ability.
The Haemonculus is the unique spellcaster unit of the Dark Eldar, his energy is charged every 20 kills for +50 (one spell cast) and his spells are activated by casting maelstorm. The specific spell depends on what is in the vicinity of the caster (not the maelstorm spell itself). If the caster is at maximum energy and the players gets 20 more kills they will instead receive 200 minerals.
Haemonculus spells: -Effect- (Condition)
-Summon Reinforcements: Summons 2 Kabalites, a Wych and a probe (No units (own or enemy) near caster)
-Replenish Forces: Heals units, charges energy, +200 minerals (Only own units near caster)
-Projection Field: Creates a host of hallucinations, summons Wych (Both own and enemy units near caster)
-Siphon Minerals: Steals 400 minerals from target player (Enemy building but no units near caster)
-Soul Echo: Kill one unit and reduces 4 more to 10% hp (Only enemy units near caster)
-Summon Warp Beasts: Summons hostile Daemonic Beast at 30% health, 2 Hell Talon, 3 Hellions (Enemy units AND buildings near caster)
(Dark Eldar playstyle)
- Map Style:
- Custom (UMS)
- Categories:
- Assault Strategy
- Author:
- awakezok 2
- Filename:
- Warhammer40kDiplo2.5.scx
- Project Page:
- WarHammer 40k Diplo 2.4
- Type:
- StarCraft Map
- Size:
- 320.4 KB
- Tags:
- 40k, best, chaos, dark, diplo, diplomacy, eldar, guard, imperial, marines, multiplayer, necrons, orks, space, tau, warhammer, warhammer40k
- Players:
- 7
- Tileset:
- Ice
- Dimensions:
- 256x256
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 273
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- awakezok 2
- Discovered On:
- July 27, 2016
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WarHammer 40k Diplo 2.5
Warhammer40kDiplo2.5.scx (320.4 KB)
- Released:
- July 27, 2016
- Downloads:
- 273
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