Cat and Mouse Highway
Cat and Mouse Highway!
Created by: Cerorec aka me, selracoat
Version: 1.7
Version Date: June 16, 2018
Forces: 6v1, Meaning Player 1-6 are Mice while Player 8 is Cat (optional). If there is no ...
Cat and Mouse Highway!
Created by: Cerorec aka me, selracoat
Version: 1.7
Version Date: June 16, 2018
Forces: 6v1, Meaning Player 1-6 are Mice while Player 8 is Cat (optional). If there is no Player 8, the game randomizes one of the remaining Players 1-6 to be Cat.
See also my Showcase thread on!
**See More Versions at Version Section!**
Map Description:
"The War between Cats and Mice still continues...
Many battles have been fought: in Jungle, Winter, Desert, even in Space...
But now, the battle takes place near an 8-Lane Highway!!!"
Countless seasons have passed since the cats and mice first waged war. First it was Space, then it was Jungle, Winter, Ore Wars, Fireworld, Desert, City, Pylon, and many other places too many to name. Now, the times have changed. Fewer and fewer cats and mice battles are being fought, maybe because they are getting sick of fighting each other knowing that there are seemlingly endless amounts of them. Either way nowadays, some battles are fought, mainly in Jungle, but a new battleground has emerged! Partly because the cats and mice want a new map to settle their dispute. That is... the 8-Lane Highway! Or Freeway where ever you're from. This time, the Cats and Mice can use the advantage of the Highway to fight each other and perhaps... END THE WAR ONCE AND FOR ALL!
HOW TO PLAY (Short):
- This is just like you average CnM map, but with a twist: The Highway!
- The highway is where cars (Flying units, Neutral Player 7) come and go... and instantly kill anything in its path wtihout stopping!
- This includes all units from Mice, and all units from Cats! So be careful when crossing the highway!
- The highway splits the battleground into two play areas, Top and Bottom!
- If a Mouse dies at Top, the Mouse will be held captured at Top! Same with Bottom!
- So if a Mouse from Bottom wants to save a Mouse from Top, then the Mouse will have to either cross the highway, or buy 800 minerals to save everyone on one side, Top or Bottom! (which can be bought more)
- Because the highway instant kills anything, the Cats have 9 Lives! (9 Cats)
- And Cat Player starts out always with 2 Cats anytime! (1200 HP each)
- If the Cats lose all their lives and Cats, the Cat Player lose!
- But if the Cats catch all the Mice, the Mice Team lose!
- When a Cat catches a Mouse, the Cat Player will receive 1 Gas!
- The Gas is used to buy units from bottom!
- Or the Cat Player can convert 1 Gas into 100 Minerals! and vice versa!
- Cats have spells and upgrades! Which both cost minerals!
- Overtime, the Cat Player receives minerals.
- And there is feeding for Cats! You can see the whole feeding list in the Mission Briefing!
- On top of this, 10 kills for Cats = 20 minerals!
- So Mice, be careful how much you build!
- Also, there are bonuses in the game! Like saving gives you 100 minerals!
- And crystals may appear in the middle of the highway that gives 50-500 minerals! (Cats included)
- Be sure to use the Highway as an asset to winning! It may even turn the tides if one side is losing...
Car Crash Sound "Car Crash" (Edited by Cerorec): by squareal
Car Beep Sound "Car Hooter SFX.wav" (Edited by Cerorec): by KamilNaidoo23
Car Racing Sound "Drag Racing 2.wav" (Edited by Cerorec): by squashy555
Killing Splat Sound "SZ_Squish_13.wav" (Edited by Cerorec, mixed into Car Crash Sound): by PaulMorek
GTFO Sound "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! Sound Effect" (Ripped and Edited by Cerorec): by 4chan Stuff
Starcraft Sound by: Blizzard
Huge thanks to verssuss for showing my how to make Choosers go-through!
Other than that, Map Design and Triggers by: Yours, truly... CEROREC!
Previous Alpha and Beta versions in one Zip:
Last but not least: Thanks to all my testers and players!
Change Log
For previous Change Logs see previous versions! Or!
[b]CHANGE LOG: V1.7[/b]
- Converted most of Player 7 units at bottom to Player 12 so that Cat can unally Player 7.
- Increased ...
For previous Change Logs see previous versions! Or!
- Converted most of Player 7 units at bottom to Player 12 so that Cat can unally Player 7.
- Increased plasma shield for blocking Protoss buildings by x1.5.
- Decreased cost of Im Da Bomb (Scarab) from 50 to 25.
- Increased cost of Destroyer (Battlecruiser) from 600 to 750, and from 525 to 650 from Starport.
- Increased cost of Mouse Ninja (Dark Templar) from 300 to 325.
- Increased damage of Chipper (Corsair) from 7 to 9.
- Map Style:
- Custom (UMS)
- Categories:
- Hide & Seek
- Author:
- selracoat2 5
- Filename:
- Cat n Mouse Highway V1.7.scx
- Project Page:
- Cat and Mouse Highway
- Type:
- StarCraft Map
- Size:
- 1.0 MB
- Tags:
- cat, cats, cerorec, cnm, highway, mice, mouse, selracoat
- Players:
- 7
- Tileset:
- Badlands
- Dimensions:
- 128x128
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 27
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- selracoat2 5
- Discovered On:
- June 17, 2018
Share Map
- JavaScript Widget:
Cat and Mouse Highway
Cat n Mouse Highway V1.7.scx (1.0 MB)
- Released:
- June 17, 2018
- Downloads:
- 27
- Direct Link:

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