Four player melee map.
- Map Style:
- Melee
- Categories:
- (No categories yet)
- Filename:
- maps10.scm
- Project Page:
- maps10.scm
- Type:
- StarCraft Map
- Size:
- 86.4 KB
- Overall Rating:
1 / 5 (2 votes, ranked #4,474) - Tags:
- melee, multiplayer, singleplayer
- Players:
- 4
- Teams:
- 1
- Tileset:
- Platform
- Dimensions:
- 256x256
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 118
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Discovered On:
- April 11, 2008
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- Opinion:
2 votes considered -
- Neutral
- Terrain:
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We have a rating system to help avoid that. These maps are on the bottom if sorted that way... and if just going by date their way towards the back too.
Anyway, this map has terrain clustered unprofessionally and very poorly placed mineral stacks. Avoid this one!
these are so terrible..... ppl will eventually stop coming to nibbits if they have to waste a considerable amount of their time searching through craps like these.
Yea, these maps may suck, but someone uploaded them a year ago. Actually I think alot of these bad melee ones were originally from starcraft.org/ And check the date on uploads before you accuse me of putting them up--I am very selective about what I upload. Just rate it as it deserves to be rated and it will be buried and only people that want to play stupid maps will bother with it. Cramer, I posted a few that were crap or links didn't work, those will need deleting--the rest of these though are just poorly made and part of the collection.
We're an archive so it makes sense as long as they're actually maps (e.g. not just an empty blanket of crap).
we should be able to see who uploads theses maps.... & the moderator should ban the account or minus 200 points for spamming crappy maps like these