Get To Da Choppa! ZOMBIEMODE
A zombie edition of Get to da Choppa. Rethemed, better briefed, and new sounds added.
- Ghost can now cloak for the amount of time it takes to launch one nuke, but must fully recharge energy to ...
A zombie edition of Get to da Choppa. Rethemed, better briefed, and new sounds added.
- Ghost can now cloak for the amount of time it takes to launch one nuke, but must fully recharge energy to use again (not likely), saving them the need for specific cover for a late-game nuke.
- Wandering too close to the zombie hives (originally just decoys and in place for AI purposes) can have nasty results for a particular unit, and nastier for his friends.
- Goliath now does a respectable amount of damage against the Ultralisk type enemies, rounding them out against these which are so dangerous to other units. They still overkill everything else, so balance is maintained.
- SCV repair values adjusted slightly more with a bit of math behind them, putting repair cost against 'damage mitigated' a little less skewed for particular units.
- Bonus marines will no longer be hoarded up by a single player, all players should have a chance for at least one extra unit. This also reduces total units if one player is carrying the team.
- Ultralisk hero has 50% more health to counter Goliath improvement, making it that much more dangerous to vulnerable units.
- Sounds added for incoming wave of attackers, building removal on ghost death, stray SCV death, liftoff death, and when only a few friendly units remain. Map file only mildly inflated for sake of ambiance, humor, and playability.
New for 2.02:
- Zombiemode should have been 2.0 instead of just a re-theme, and so it is.
- SCV renamed for better clarity of limitations and brevity.
- New defiler based zombie will spawn near thin walls, can cast dark swarm, and will spawn broodlings inside the minerals. Burrow enabled for this unit.
- Trigger area for approaching a hive with a marine has been shrunk. Now gives message and delay (inescapable) as well.
- Penalty time should no longer stack up in the final minutes of play, a much requested change. Getting further in the game without allowing a breach will eliminate up to half of the penalties, and reaching a certain time remaining will eliminate all but one penalty.
Note: Map internal description still says 2.01 as an error. Filename was properly saved as ZM202 but the version was not changed in the description. This can and will be rectified for 2.03 if needed.
- Map Style:
- Custom (UMS)
- Categories:
- (No categories yet)
- Author:
- Ranzear 5
- Filename:
- Get to da Choppa ZM202.scm
- Project Page:
- Get to da Choppa ZOMBIE/FAST FINAL
- Type:
- StarCraft Map
- Size:
- 233.7 KB
- Tags:
- anyplayers, blood, choppa, drone, escape, fun, multiplayer, nuke, parody, predator, zergling, zombie
- Players:
- 6
- Teams:
- 1
- Tileset:
- Ashworld
- Dimensions:
- 128x128
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 194
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- Ranzear 5
- Discovered On:
- April 23, 2009
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Get To Da Choppa! ZOMBIEMODE
Get to da Choppa ZM202.scm (233.7 KB)
- Released:
- April 23, 2009
- Downloads:
- 194
- Direct Link:

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- Top 100 April 25, 2009
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This version was proven beatable today, 2.03 is now up with new enemy units.